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Determination of proteins concentrations and their molecular weights

Analysis of proteins concentrations and their molecular weights using Capel-105M Lumex Instruments 112


The method enables fast separation of proteins according to their molecular weights (Mw) with subsequent protein quantification in pr otein-containing samples.


Capillary electrophoresis for the separation and dete rmination of proteins is based on the differential migration of SDS-protein complexes in a narrow fused-s ilica capillary filled with a low viscous gel, under the influence of the applied electric field. Detection of proteins is performed based on their own absorbance at 220 nm. Due to the presence of a low viscous gel SDS-protein complexes are separated only according to their Mw and thus it enables also to determine Mw of an unknown protein(s).

Determination of proteins concentrations and their molecular weightsDownload application file
Determination (analysis) of proteins concentrations and their molecular weights Determination of proteins concentrations and their molecular weights - by
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Analysis of proteins concentrations and their molecular weights using Capel-105M