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Determination of bromide and iodide anions in water samples

Analysis of bromide and iodide anions in water samples by "Capel-105M" capillary electrophoresis system Lumex Instruments 191


The method allows determination of bromide and iodide ions in natural, potable (incl. bottled), and mineral water using capillary electrophoresis (CE) method.


Measurement method is based on sample filtration and its subsequent separation in a fused silica capillary under the influence of the applied electric field. Identific ation and quantification of bromide and iodide ions is performed by registering their intrinsic absorbance at 200 nm wavelength.


Measurement ranges of the analyzed anions in the samples are:

  • for bromide ions 0.05–100 mg/L,
  • for iodide ions 0.1–100 mg/L.

Chloride ions with mass concentration ratio 4000: 1 do not influence determination of bromide ions.

Determination of bromide and iodide anions in water samplesDownload application file
Determination (analysis) of bromide and iodide ions in natural, potable (incl. bottled), and mineral water Determination of bromide and iodide anions in water samples - by
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Analysis of bromide and iodide anions in water samples by "Capel-105M" capillary electrophoresis system