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Мercury determination in natural gas according to ASTM D5954-98(2014)e1 and ISO 6978-2:2003

Mercury determination in natural gas using amalgamation method according to ASTM D5954-98 (2014)E1 and ISO 6978-2:2003 Lumex Instruments 915


ASTM D5954-98(2014)e1 and ISO 6978-2:2003 standards specify a method for determination of the mercury mass concentration down to 0.001 μg/m³ in pipeline quality natural gas. These standard methods are based on collection of mercury by amalgamation on a gold/platinum alloy with the follow-up desorption of atomic mercury and its determination by means of AAS or AFS.

Lumex Instruments has developed a practical guidance for implementing ASTM D5954-98(2014)e1 and ISO 6978-2:2003 methods using RA-915M mercury analyzer.

Мercury determination in natural gas according to ASTM D5954-98(2014)e1 and ISO 6978-2:2003Download application file
Мercury determination in natural gas according to ASTM D5954-98(2014)e1 and ISO 6978-2:2003 Мercury determination in natural gas according to ASTM D5954-98(2014)e1 and ISO 6978-2:2003 - by
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Mercury determination in natural gas using amalgamation method according to ASTM D5954-98 (2014)E1 and ISO 6978-2:2003