Lumex Instruments - Laboratory Analytical Equipment manufacturer Logo
Unit 1-3 7294 Fraserview Place, Mission, B.C., V4S 0A3, Canada V4S 0A3 Unit 1-3 7294 Fraserview Place, Mission, B.C., V4S 0A3 Canada
+1 604-820-8085, +1 604 820-4486,

We are glad to inform you that LUMEX measurement procedure became a national standard GOST R 54639-2011 “Foodstuffs and animal feeding stuffs. Determination of mercury by Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry”. This procedure is implemented with the use of RA-915M Mercury Analyzer (atomic absorption spectrometer with Zeeman background correction) along with a thermal decomposition attachment PYRO-915+.

This approach does not involve preconcentration on a gold trap and “cooling step”, thereby eliminating ensuing problems. The use of Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrometry combined with a “dry” converter provides the highest sensitivity with no interferences from the sample matrix. Purified ambient air is used for combustion, so that no cylinders with oxidizer or compressed gases and “clean room” environment are required so cost of determination is extremely low.

Total time needed for direct determination of mercury is less than 2 minutes.

RA-915M mercury analyser with Pyro-915+ attachment allows rapid and trouble-free determination of mercury in a wide range of samples like food products (fish, grain, etc), coal ( compliant with ASTM 6722), crude oil (compliant with ASTM 7622) and virtually all types of samples. Also compliance with US EPA 7473 method is provided.

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