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Quality control of milk products

Quality control of milk products: fat, protein, moisture (total solids), SNF, sugar, salt, lactose and titrated acidity Lumex Instruments 170

In order to maintain high quality of milk products, it is necessary to monitor process quality as rapidly as possible, so that a relevant technological process could be promptly corrected.
The most important quality factors of milk products are fat, protein, moisture (total solids), SNF, sugar, salt, lactose and titrated acidity.

Commonly, it takes a few hours to make such type of analyses by traditional methods. The use of an InfraLUM NIR analyzers reduces the analysis time to a couple of minutes.


The method is based on measuring the transmission spectrum of a sample in the near-IR spectral region and subsequent determination of the analyzed parameters/constituents using a calibration model.
Transmission measurement provides highest accuracy and reproducibility of the measurements.

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Quality control of milk products: fat, protein, moisture (total solids), SNF, sugar, salt, lactose and titrated acidity Quality control of milk products - by
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Quality control of milk products: fat, protein, moisture (total solids), SNF, sugar, salt, lactose and titrated acidity